Saturday, August 7, 2010

Getting in the Money Game

When getting in the Money Game, our aim has to be for wealth and success, not just for survival if we do wish to become rich and financially free in future. In fact being contented may be good but it doesn't help in making you rich. 

You have to imagine your life to be what you want it to be and not as what it is currently. Consult people that are already at where you would want your life to be for advice. As successful people loves to share their success stories. Share your dream and vision of your life with your supportive friends and loved ones. It has to be shared with people that supports you so that they will help you along and pull you back on track when you diverge.

Next you will need to set a financial goal so that you know exactly what you want and will be able to get there. See how to achieve your financial goal for more info.

Also, you have to figure out what exactly is your current networth in order to proceed further and become more successful in your money game. See manage your cashflow for the link to the excel file. Find out the amount of money you need to live comfortably per month, it might be your current expenses and start thinking about how you can get that amount of passive income per month.

Most importantly, you have to play to win and not just not to lose. The whole point of playing any game is to win it! Focus on the finish line.

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